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Sharon J

What a great find. I'd have definitely snapped it up too.

Frugal Trenches

You are kinder than I, I call it the Daily Hate ;)

Great find!


A good book especially now! We have a tatty old copy around here somewhere!

Lol! we call it the Daily hate mail here too!


LOL your post reminded me of the time we went out as a family picking mushrooms with a local mushroom expert. They were fine but when Dad went out a few days later he came back with some odd spindly things we found out later to be 'magic mushrooms'. We didn't eat any but came close to it.

Nothing like free food from nature. As long as nothing has wee'd on it or farmer giles has spread something chemical on it. I feed our dogs nettles (cooked) dandelion leaves etc and collect wild apples when out on a walk.

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