Yay, I've finally got out of the house. The expected heavy snowfall didn't materialise here over the weekend, in fact a definite sign of thawing could be seen. Saturday evening the patio was thick in snow and the drainpipe was frozen solid, Sunday morning the patio had miraculously reappeared and the drainpipe was dripping away nicely. Not sure how the Met Office got it so wrong (AGAIN!! - this is supposed to be a 'mild' winter!) but I'm very glad that this time their dire weather warnings didn't come true.
So, after being snowed-in for the past six days, I set off very gingerly towards the High Street this morning. Fortuitously, I'd also sold quite a profitable book on Amazon last night so I would have had to go to the post office anyway. Once I'd slithered and slipped my way down our side road and made it in one piece out onto the main road it was quite easy going underfoot. I couldn't swear to it but I think the pavements on the main road may even have been gritted at some point (something I've never known any local authority do in the UK - no matter how bad the ice on the pavement gets.) By the time I reached the High Street itself the roads and the pavements were all totally clear.
I was very pleasantly surprised to find the 'Coffee and Jumble' in full swing, and doing quite a brisk trade too. Even the 92-year-old who (wo)mans the clothing table was there as usual - no doubt that's due to the 'Dunkirk spirit' that older people seem to have in abundance but which is sadly lacking in anyone under the age of 60 or so (I blame Maggie Thatcher, but that's another story!!) Sadly, I came away empty handed and only managed to find some tissue paper in one of the charity shops (8 sheets for 25p - I bought all four packs they had). Pickings do seem to be very lean at the moment - maybe it's the time of year, maybe the weather, maybe the recession, who knows - I'm keeping my paws crossed that things will get a tad more interesting in the charity shops soon.
Final port of call was Somerfield where I got in another load of supplies which will, hopefully, see us through until next weekend. I took advantage of Somerfield's free home delivery service which is very reliable (even in this snowy weather) and all my groceries were delivered to my door about an hour after I got home. I shall start getting lazy if this cold snap continues, I haven't dragged my shopping trolley around for nearly a month!!
Glad you've managed to venture out. I,too, live on a side road that hasn't been gritted and is still treacherous. We've also got more snow forecast for tonight, as you must have too!! I'll expect it when I see it - it's already moved from this afternoon!
Posted by: Teresa | 01/12/2010 at 01:18 PM