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Frugal Trenches

((hugs)) I think sometimes we just need a good boo hoo! lol

Love the video! Well done Basildon!!


Very nice video. I'm not sure that rubbish gets tipped into landfill in India or China though, they sort it out. The container ships have to make the journey back to those countries usually with empty containers, because we don't export hardly anything to them. So they might as well send rubbish back there. Also the bottom has dropped out of the market at the moment for recycled materials, they just can't get the prices that they used to, and it is stockpiled in costly warehouses. Basildon might be making an effort but I suspect a lot aren't.


That's great that they are doing such a great job of recycling. There have been several stories like that over here, of recycling companies just dumping it all in the landfill, which is just awful.

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