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Barbara Simpson

I used to slit the bag at the bottom and staple it up until I bought a bagless Dyson oh how I love my Dyson.It worked fine but a little messy. Good luck.


I, too, have a Dyson. No more bags for me just unclip and tip.
Love from Mum


I've done the split the bag thingy, but instead of staples I used a bulldog clip to close it. (Fold the bottom over once or twice) that way I could use it afew times more. (have you looked on line to see if anyone does them cheaper?


Hi. I'm afraid i'm a real tightwad and do the slit and staple technique continuously. Not just the once....if you're careful you can unpick the staples and restaple many many times. Yes i know really really tight but why pay a fortune just to get rid of muck?


Just a thought, but have you tried Ebay? I've just searched 'miele vacuum bag' and loads come up, not sure which type you're looking for but some seem cheaper than others.


Glad it's not just me then who was shocked at the cost of a replacement box of bags for my Miele (which I love). There are four bags in the box I bought last week and I'm sure there used to be 5 in a box.
I haven't heard the 'slit and staple' technique but might give it a go. I have been known to carefully (whilst wearing rubber gloves and holding my breath!) remove some of the contents of a full bag because I hadn't had time to buy a new box of replacements!

Michelle H.

Yes I've done it too. I usually staple it good and then add some wide clear tape to keep any dust from getting into the vacuum itself. It works!

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