I've had my trusty breadmaker for the past three years, and as I make a coupel of loaves of bread every week, it's seen a lot of action.
I got really fed up with buying bread because there was always a nasty vinegary smell to it when it was being toasted. First of all I assumed there was something wrong with my sense of smell but, on closer inspection of the ingredients, it appeared that vinegar was indeed being added to the bread. Apparently it is some sort of preservative!!
Now we have fresh bread whenever we need it and I've found that the homemade bread keeps just as well as shop bought, that's if there is any left after a day or so.
The flour was a welcome discovery at my local bakers. It is a larger bag than anything I can buy in the supermarket so works out cheaper. And, even better, it comes from Maldon - which is about 20 miles away - and has not travelled half way across the world from some Canadian prairie.
When I first got my breadmaker I was astounded at just how expensive nice bread flour could be. But hey, it's worth it!
Posted by: Ali | 05/07/2007 at 11:08 PM