Today started off very well. I checked my e-mails first thing to find that I had sold one of my bags on ebay. There is something really special about selling something you have made, it's so nice to think someone has decided to spend their hard-earned money on an item you've created, and to think of that item being 'out there' in the big wide world.
The good vibes continued when I called into my local charity shop. Sitting on top of the wool basket was this humungous pile of thick black wool. Seven huge skeins of it labelled 'craft wool'.
The lot was priced at £1, so with no further ado I went to pay for it. 'Ah', said the lady when I paid her for it, 'I was told to throw that lot away as no one would want it'!! I'm so glad she didn't throw it away as I'm thinking this wil be just the ticket to try my hand at felting a knitted piece.
I'm thinking of having a go at something like this bag from Stitch'n'Bitch nation (fortuitously acquired last summer at a car boot sale for 50p).
I can see a bag like this done in black with either a large felt flower on the front or perhaps decorated with a scattering of some of my vintage buttons.
Oh, and to top it all off, today is a beautiful sunny day here in Essex - if a trifle windy - and the monsoon of last Sunday is now just a dim and distant memory.