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I love a good book bargain too - but sadly some of our local charity shops charge far too much for secondhand books, and with the bad weather we've had this summer there have been hardly any boot sales. I am lucky to be able to swop books with people at work, and that way I get to read books I might never have bought and discover new authors.

I so agree with your previous post too - I've outgrown feeling any pressure to conform to "fashion" and now love finding bargains - most secondhand clothes aren't discarded because they're worn out but just because they are no longer this season's colour or style.

(Love your blog by the way and visit you often).


I love buying second-hand books too, trouble is I take so long to get through a book these days (a couple of pages in bed at night before my eyes start to droop) that I have a shelf full of books waiting to be read and more being added all the time! I do pass on the books once I've finished, I very rarely read a fiction book twice so see little point in hanging on to it. Now non-fiction, that's another matter, I love looking at shelves full of cookery boos, style books, children's book with pretty illustrations, the list goes on....
I've read a number of Richard and Judy's book club books,some were very enjoyable (If you haven't read it, I'd recommend "The Time Traveller's Wife") but I have to say some I just didn't "get"! Just goes to show books are a very presonal choice.

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