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I'm sorry to say that DN does have the book about Ginger. He had it as a freebie for joining Trinity Road library was he was a baby. It is such a lovely book. Thanks for thinking of getting it for him.

Love from



I used to love those quirky charity shops. You're right - there are very few of them left. Most have become quite expensive and several of our local ones sell lots of new stock. The RSPCA and Salvation Army shops are the best "old fashioned" charity shops in our area.


I like the sound of Basildon, my local charity shops tend to be neat and tidy and overpriced and I'm sorely missing car boot sales for real bargains! I like your cards, it's nice to make your own especially as they're so expensive to buy, and people appreciate a hand-made card so much more.
Speak soon
Gill x

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