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French Knots

I got it from the library last year after Kim at Ragged Roses mentioned it - it's lovely isn't it, I really enjoyed it.


I love this book, and another, somewhat more recently novel she wrote, called The New Moon With the Old--it's much harder to find, but it's also charming.


I'm so pleased you enjoyed the book Elizabeth, I read it on the recommendation of Kim (Ragged Roses) too, I think she may have been responsible for a surge in sales of the book! Look out for the video ,it brings the story to life and worth watching. I've not seen a lot of Christmas cards in the shops yet, I guess they have to get the "back to school" stuff out of the way first!

Frugal Trenches

hhmm....that's a good point re Christmas cards. It's now how it should be. I think from November 1st is a good philosophy!

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