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Wow Elizabeth not only did you do well at the charity shops but fame too! I shall tune in of course tomorrow. For those of you not in the area you can pick up the programmes online - just go to BBC radio website and find BBC Essex and you too can listen to our Elizabeth!
We had to use the online facility when our son was being interviewed by BBC radio and was going out every 10 mins to stations all over the country! Well most of them just not our own! lol! It worked wonderfully well!


How amazing to be interviewed by the radio! Good luck and please post a transcript for those not able to pick it up on the radio.

Hey I can tell everyone that I know someone who is famous!


How wonderful, fancy being on the radio! Add this to your being included in the Craft magazine too, then there was the bag sold to the TV company re: The Royal. We shall have to pay to read your blog soon!

Thanks Catz for the tip on being able to hear the interview. Being in Wales I would have no chance otherwise although my sister-in-law lives in Essex.


Wow, you were good. Funny though, as you went on your accent came out more.You came over well and spoke a lot of sense, how did you get to be picked for the show? I want more details please!!


Congratulations Elizabeth, my, you have been busy! I tried to listen online but couldn't find it, any chance of a link so we can all listen? Nice to catch up.


such a sweet little doll. and a great price.

congrats on being on the radio.

lovely blog.

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