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French Knots

My 5 year old son is keen on finding treasure ( money) and his eagle eye spots it when we are out and about. He like to keep it in his money box then take it out and count it. Good habits for the future I hope!

Kim Cranson

I know what you mean about stuff. We've just moved our iron bedstead & all the boxes under it to decorate. There was so much stuff under there that I'd forgotten about. I feel a big declutter coming on(maybe? perhaps? possibly? Lol)

Hereford uk


I do find your roadkill updates amusing. My partner is a gardener at a couple of schools and digs up and picks up money all the time - shrapnel we call it here - which goes into a charity box. The kids have also furnished him with some excellent jackets and scarves at the end of the school year when al the unclaimed lost property is up for grabs. Don't their folks wonder what has happened to them?

We have no shame...

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