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I think that being able to see the other side of the paper on the cards adds to their vintage charm.

What a bargain with the wool!

I received some through the post today and have knitted a ball of it already! It's big chunky wool which I haven't used before and knits up amazingly quickly!

Kim Cranson

Sandie beat me to it, but she's right, the print adds to the charm

The Shopping Sherpa

If you're worried about the print, could you scan the pictures and print them out?

Great find on the wool...


I like the cards, and I agree the visible b side adds to their charm. I've used old sewing books myself for making cards in the past, an old button or some vintage ricrac or ribbon looks quite effective to add an extra decorative trim. Nice wool, what a bargain.


good bargain find on the wool.
yep the print does add to the charm, don't worry about it. :-)

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