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Daffodils, they're beautiful .
The pattern on the place mat is very familiar. Where is it from?

Catherine Lloyd-Evans

They're a find! How do you make your tote bag? Pattern please? I'm making all birthday presents this year (uphill struggle) and that might be a quick one to do!
By the way, have finished knitting my first dishcloth - it's in my latest blog with my homemade cleaners! Brilliant, thank you.


Lovely daffs! I noticed they were selling some at the expensive flower shop near me and was very tempted to buy.
I love a nice bouncy bunch of daffs in the house they seem to bring sunshine into your home.

Interesting to see how you do your tote bags from the pillowcases? Are you going to tell us the method?


I agree - it's getting me down now....
I was bought some lovely daffs yesterday, so refreshing..and we had some sun today :)
Nice charity finds too.

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