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Kim Cranson

Lovelt Cranks Recipes -
Lots of Yummies for my Tummy!!!

Isn't it funny how UK falls apart after a couple of inches of snow whilst the rest of the world keeps on going?



I remember going to Cranks in London in my youth (a looong time ago!) and using one of their recipe books. It is still snowing up here in Yorkshire - about four inches so far. Everywhere looks really beautiful.


I love the Cranks recipe books but probably should stear well clear of this one as I'm trying to lose a few kilos.

Lovely to see the photos of England ( one of the things I enjoy so much about this blog) under a blanket of snow.

It's summer down here in NZ, it just ain't right to have summer in February!

Frugal Trenches

Yes please!

Oh that snow looks like what is outside my window! Enjoy!!


When I lived and worked in London I loved Cranks. I've got their vegetarian cookery books. Would love to be included in your draw please.
Your snow pics are lovely - wondered if the shed belonged to you in a pic on an earlier post. It looks really good in the snow.


Looks like a lovely book! I have an old and falling apart cranks vegetarian cookbook. Love your stained glass window!

Jeanie Senior

Thank you for posting the photos of snow, it's made me and my husband remember the first time we came to England, in the spring of 1981--there was a heavy snowfall that caused all kinds of problems for the sheep farmers in the Yorkshire moors, but it was beautiful to see.
We also have eaten at Cranks, there wasn't really anything like it in the states in the 1980s.
Love and appreciate your blog, particularly since I'm trying to do much the same things here in the Pacific Northwest--where there is snow forecast for this weekend!


I've not heard of Cranks before. It looks like an interesting book. I try to use wholefoods in my cooking, and baking is my favourite. Thank you for the giveaway, please include me.

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