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I can never understand why anyone would want to buy brand new clothes for kiddies. As you say they are so cheap secondhand and like brand new anyway.
Good for you for finding them and good for his mum to have the sense to use them


Dear Liz,

Thanks so much for getting Dan some more clothes - they look fantastic. I don't know what I would do without your help and yes, DN is always really thrilled with everything that you get for him. I may be being naive, but I hope he never becomes label obsessed and learns from his family that it doesn't have to cost a lot to be good.

Love from


ps I'm glad that the cushion cover has found a new lease of life after all these years and the new patchwork cover is lovely.

French Knots

Children grow out of their clothes so quickly, it's easy to find barely worn second hand clothes for them and as you say so cost effective too.


Hi Elizabeth - just catching up with everybody's blog since getting back from holiday.

My son is 9 now, and has just recently started asking 'is that second hand?' when I put something out to wear that he hasn't seen before. I always say 'no', and am very careful to remove any giveaway charity shop labels before putting them out, but I do wonder how much longer I'll manage to pull the wool over his eyes!

Funny, isn't it, how we change as we get older. I remember a time as a teenager when I would have been horrified at the thought of second hand clothes - now I'm ecstatic if I get a bargain at the car boot or charity shop!

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