Mum and I managed to get to a jumble sale this morning, and rather good it was too. August is an unusual time to hold a jumble sale (traditionally they seemed to run from early September through to April), but this one was in aid of urgent repairs to a church organ which had been damaged after the lead was systematically stripped from the church roof. The full story can be found here. I can't imagine what sort of low life would want to strip the lead from a church roof, nor how they can live with their consciences, but, sadly, it seems to be an all too common problem these days.
Anyhoo, Mum and I very much enjoyed ourselves as the jumble sale was very neatly laid out and there weren't too many other people pushing and shoving so it was easy to have a really good look around. We spent about three-quarters of an hour there and came out well pleased with our finds.
I found some pretty vintage 'Bristol Pottery' coffee cups and saucers and a couple of other bits and bobs
Including this unused vintage tweed purse.
All in all Mum probably did better than me as she got a new and unused salad spinner ('Swiss Made' so probably not cheap originally). I would have snapped it up myself as I could do with one at home but it was a bit bulky to lug back to Essex on the train. She also got a nice cloth bag (now hanging out on the line) and a double leather photo frame (for yet more photos of DN.)
There had also been a gorgeous circular bevel-edged wall mirror which both Mum and I had picked up and checked out and which both of us put back - now both of us are wishing we'd bought it as it was really nice. But that's the one downside to jumble sales - he who hesitates is lost.
Well done on the jumble sale finds. Jumble sales are very rare round here. I think I've seen one in the last three years I've lived here.
Posted by: sharie | 08/02/2009 at 12:58 PM