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Many A Mickle

Cheeky! I am a keen charity shop visitor yet I very rarely go in to the BHF shops as they always seem to be unappealing, overfull and hard to negotiate, especially with a buggy. Perhaps it's all the red in its branding!


Hi, I just wanted to let you know that we are still alive and kicking! I have been having trouble with my internet connection and unable to leave you a comment. I was so jealous of your lovely bag of chocolate slabs and pleased to be up to date with your doings.


I wont give to or buy from the BHF because they spend a lot of money on shop reburbishments. I don't want to go to a posh charity shop, they sell second hand stuff so their fixtures and fittings should also be second hand.


They're one of my least favourite charities as well, for various reasons.


I once had a bag of charity items stolen by gypsies about half an hour before the real charity van came round. It's sad, but your suspicions are accurate!

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