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Julie and Julia is a lot of fun! I'd highly recommend it! And I can empathise with your feelings re: apples - sometimes the solutions lie right before our very eyes!


I loved Julie & Julia. Our libraries in the US just lend them..no charge. We do netflix, it is a mail service for 9.95 a month one movie at a time, but you also get unlimited access to whatever is available to watch online. There is also hulu.com where you can watch some shows for free in the internet.


I'm also a Julie/Julia fan - I actually preferred the film to the book which is a rare thing. The book 'My Life in France' by Julia Child, however, is wonderful. And I know what you mean about renting DVDs from the library...I don't know why I've never done it either!

frugal queen

I love my local library, the music, the dvds, of course books and the newspapers too. There are oodles of apples this year, take a look out for crab apples too. froogs xxxx

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