I like to think of myself as a fairly intelligent person but sometimes, just sometimes, I can be so dense I even amaze myself. A couple of recent examples are:
Why has it taken me so long to realise that it is MUCH MUCH cheaper to rent a DVD from the local library (£1.50 for a week) than it is to rent one from the local DVD hire shop (£3.00 for 24 hours.) And not only that, the local library has a humungous selection of really fabulous DVDs, and they're all beautifully arranged in alphabetical order by title. The local DVD hire shop on the other hand, seems to specialise in just flinging the DVDs back on the shelves any-old-how which means you have to spend ages just trying to find something that isn't a horror film, British gangster film, or something else that sounds like only the 'geeks' behind the counter would want to watch. I can see me dusting off my library card and making a lot of use of it over the coming months. 'Julie and Julia' is top of my must-see list at the moment.
And why, when I have an apple tree bursting at the seams with fresh apples, do I start berating myself for having forgotten to buy a jar of apple sauce to go with the pork chops we're having for tea tonight? A couple of minutes in the garden with a walking stick ('cos the biggest of the apples are always just out of reach at the top of the tree) and couple more minutes of peeling and chopping, et voila! apple sauce that cost nothing. (And I hate to say that it took me some considerable time to have the 'brainwave' of stewing the apples from the garden!!)
I think the German's have a phrase for that sort of dimness - Dumkopf!
Julie and Julia is a lot of fun! I'd highly recommend it! And I can empathise with your feelings re: apples - sometimes the solutions lie right before our very eyes!
Posted by: Rebecca | 08/03/2010 at 04:04 PM
I loved Julie & Julia. Our libraries in the US just lend them..no charge. We do netflix, it is a mail service for 9.95 a month one movie at a time, but you also get unlimited access to whatever is available to watch online. There is also hulu.com where you can watch some shows for free in the internet.
Posted by: angela | 08/03/2010 at 06:59 PM
I'm also a Julie/Julia fan - I actually preferred the film to the book which is a rare thing. The book 'My Life in France' by Julia Child, however, is wonderful. And I know what you mean about renting DVDs from the library...I don't know why I've never done it either!
Posted by: Shoestring | 08/03/2010 at 08:17 PM
I love my local library, the music, the dvds, of course books and the newspapers too. There are oodles of apples this year, take a look out for crab apples too. froogs xxxx
Posted by: frugal queen | 08/03/2010 at 08:17 PM