One of the drawers (can I just take a moment here to say how irritated I am at seeing the word 'drawer' mis-spelt as 'draw' - I saw it twice on TV yesterday alone!! Sorry, bit of a rant there but it DOES annoy me a tad) under the bed contains most of my handmade 'stuff' that I hope to sell at some point or another. I haven't really investigated this drawer fully in the two years since we bought the new bed. Hmm, yes, well, quite a few handmade objects came to light - not only 'stuff' I forgot I owned but 'stuff' I'd even forgotten I'd made, and that's a bit worrying.
First out of the gloom were a set of four pure cotton lilac-coloured napkins that I gussied up with a knife, fork and spoon embroidery a couple of years ago. I was really pleased with how the embroidery turned out but knew I'd never have the guts to use them myself for fear of getting food on them (I'm a notoriously messy eater!).
Then several handknitted beanie hats were found squashed up at the back of the drawer. They were all knitted with a view to, hopefully, selling them but they're not going to sell whilst jammed under the bed.
Although I'm quite taken with the purple and grey striped one (isn't there a poem that says 'when I get old I'm going to wear purple' Well, I must now be officially old as I've got quite a few purple items in my wardrobe,) I've got more than enough knitted hats to keep me going for many winters to come.
So I've rescued them all from the drawer - plus quite a few other items that are now destined for the charity shop - and as soon as ebay have another of their free-listing weekends I'm going to list this lot and hope someone fancies buying a handmade / handknitted item for Christmas.