Yup, something evil, wicked, mean and nasty took a bite at my ankle a few days ago (this was the state of it on Saturday - bite about the size of a £1.00 coin. Please excuse the swollen ankle but my ankles are always like that - a problem I inherited from my Dad.) By Sunday evening I was feeling most peculiar - racing heart, freezing cold (with teeth that were chattering so hard they were like those wind-up toy teeth!!) pains in my guts - oh yes, I was feeling all the delights you can imagine. Monday I had to spend all day in bed recovering and felt like a limp rag.
It's by no means the first time I've had some little toxic flying git bite me and cause a nasty reaction - on one occasion necessitating an A&E visit. I don't know what it is about me or my blood group that attracts these varmints so easily - and causes such a reaction - but my poor old Dad had the same problem too. I remember him coming back from a visit to Dorset once when his forehead had been so badly bitten that it looked like he'd turned Klingon!!
Anyway, I'm feeling much more chipper today. The bite has stopped itching, thank the Lord (I cannot tell you how much willpower it took not to scratch the blessed thing) and is now turning a fetching shade of black!!!! I fear there will be a scar. I shall not be venturing onto the grass wearing shorts again this summer - and that's for sure.
Ouch! I hope you keep antihistamines, oral and topical, handy at all times. I'm glad you're feeling better.
Posted by: kathleen | 07/04/2012 at 07:47 PM
Eek! That's nasty. I got cellulitis from an infected horsefly bite many years ago, it was so painful. You'd think our horrid weather would have drowned all the vicious critters. x
Posted by: Vix | 07/09/2012 at 01:41 PM