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I know what you mean about the prices that charity shops are selling things for. I work for a charity so I get really miffed when people in charity shops tell you stiffly that all their money goes to a good cause and look quite archly at you when you look at a price tag and don't buy something. However, Asda uses a lot of sweat shops in essentially 3rd world countries, so I do feel uncomfortable when I shop there. I had lunch with a friend yesterday who had done a lot of research on this and she boycotts pretty much anywhere apart from the Co-op and Waitrose as they are the most ethically sound. I think that it's about balancing what we do really as we have to be realistic. I would love to have the money to shop ethically for all the things I buy, but I know that realistically I can't afford to, so try to make a difference where I can - it's not as easy as foe example not wearing fur. I think the online craft community is doing a great deal to try and change things, which makes me feel a bit better!
By the way the fabric is pretty - would make a great A line skirt.


wow,that is gorgeous fabric. What a bargain. I love it when things like that happen. I was thinking today, even if I became a millionaire, I'd still get a buzz out of finding a charity bargain!
Thanks for commenting on my blog x


I very rarely look at the clothes in charity shops now as I think they charge far too much for them, it makes my blood boil when I see a top from Primark priced at £3.99 which is more than Primark would have sold it for! They seem to have lost their way in my opinion and must lose so many sales due to over-pricing. I'm a big fan of Asda, I know we're told we shouldn't be buying cheap clothing but when you're on a tight budget you have to buy what you can afford. The fabric is lovely BTW, you'll make a fab bag with it I'm sure.
Speak soon
Gill x

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