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French Knots

Lovely fabric. I'm lucky that I have space to leave my machine out but still manage to faff about before getting down to some sewing!


The bag has turned out really well. Iam very lucky to have a room to myself, but it is such a mess I can't use it at the minute - you would have to see it to believe it. However it is my plan for the weekend to gut it and make it useable, so no doubt I will be escaping to blogging to have some peace!


Oh yes I know just what you mean, I don't have a workspace either and it just puts me off even starting anything, it all seems too much effort.I've come to realise that I need to stick to projects that I can do in front of the tv, so I'll persevere with the crochet and might even take up knitting again. The bag is very nice, well done you.
Gill x

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