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WOW what a bargain!!


Thank you so much. We'll have fun with ther paper, scissors and glue!

The Shopping Sherpa

I cut my own hair last week for only the third time in my life (and one of those I was under the age of ten so that doesn't count!) My hairdresser charges (or should I say "charged"? $72 for a cut (about 30 pounds). I'd lengthed the time between visits as much as I could and finally, with the help of some sellotape to keep things straight, gave myself a Milly Molly Mandy bob. I'm quite pleased with myself and friends who I told I did it myself have all been amazed as they say it looks professional...


I cut my own hair as hairdressers always seem to make a mess of it, charging the earth and then me having to re-cut it when I got home. I also do my own hair colouring. Mind you I keep wondering if I should get a bob - a change is good for you so they say.
You are lucky to have a cheap mobile hairdresser. Those round here seem to charge you the same as the shops.

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