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Dustin Hoffman, one of my favourite actors, I loved Tootsie and could watch it over and over again.


Isn't it funny how we often come across things we are looking for. Mind you we find a lot we aren't in between LOL.
But its a great buzz to find an author we like or a dvd with a fave film.

Enjoy your book! & Film!


Henning Mankell is another great Scandinavian crime writer. I think you'd enjoy his Inspector Wallender novels. I understand they were filmed in UK with Kenneth Branagh. Hopefully,I'll get to see them sometime!


You must read the Larsson books in order - I'll pass on number three when I eventually finish it. The Wallander novels are good but I thought that they were badly translated. Worth a read, even though.


My Dad has suggested I try the Larsson books as well, so I've been looking out for them in my local CS. I've currently read a couple of Lee Child which was another of Dad's suggestions.

car dvd players

The Wallander novels are good but I thought that they were badly translated. Worth a read, even though.

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