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LOL doctors receptionists are the pits. Hope you get sorted out asap. ((((hugs)))


I do hope you're better soon.

Over here we can sign on pretty much anywhere we like but, of course, it costs!

As for receptionists they are not all jumped-up little tyrants (just too many of them!) but they are extremely under-paid given the humungous salaries GPs make.

You may remember Nye Bevan saying, at the birth of the NHS, that to get doctors involved: "we will have to stuff their mouths with gold"so not much has changed there!

With regard the gall-bladder I am told that once treated properly the relief is wonderful!


Hope you keep feeling better, Elizabeth.

I so know what you mean re the receptionists! I always have trouble with the one who rules at our dentist surgery. I always wonder if he knows what really goes on out the front.

French Knots

What a faff to see a doctor, hope he sorts it out quickly for you.


Having spoken to a number of doctors' receptionists in a previous job, I can tell you it's not just patients who get the rough end of the stick. I wouldn't mind, but they'd be ringing ME to ask for a service and still being rude and bossy. We were encouraged to contact each doctor whose receptionist did this and inform them that we'd no longer deal with their support staff, just the doctor directly.

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