I've managed to unearth so many bits and bobs to list on ebay that I'm having to do it in stages rather than, as I usually do it, all in one go on a Thursday afternoon.
After a lot of trying things on and parading about in front of the mirror, I've had a good purge of my 'what was I thinking of when I bought that' autumn-weight clothes - and am now feeling slightly worried about exactly what I will be wearing when the colder weather comes in. Probably the same favourite few items that got me through the last couple of winters. I'm so picky when it comes to clothes and being not only rather rotund but also rather tall (I prefer to call it 'Amazonian'!!) finding clothes that not only fit well but that I actually like can be a bit tricky - to say the least.
I've also been digging around in the various piles of 'stuff' around the bedroom and have managed to unearth some rather nice vintage aprons which have gone on to ebay.
I love the retro prints on vintage pinnys so always pick them up when I come across them.
I like the idea of wearing them too, but know that a) with my waistline they probably wouldn't even tie up properly and b) I need something much more utilitarian and which covers more of my clothes when I'm cooking. If I was wearing one of these pristine vintage aprons I'd soon have it covered in all sorts of un-removable stains, tomato being the usual culprit with me.