Some months ago I found a John Bull Printing Set in a charity shop. As I remembered having one of these as a child - and really enjoying it (although in my day the little letters were made of metal not plastic) - and it only cost £1.25, I thought I'd buy it. Naturally, it's been gathering dust on a shelf ever since but I'd always had the idea of trying to make a 'Making Good Use' stamp with it so that I could add the name to the backs of cards that I made or stamp it onto little labels attached to any craft items that I manage to sell.
Cue a spare half hour at the end of the day and, after a lot of faffing about and the slow realisation that the letters had to be back to front in order to print the right way round - doh!, I came up with this. I had to wait until this morning, when I managed to buy a cheap ink pad, to see if it worked OK.
The result is a little, ahem, rustic, but that's not really a problem for me as I only wanted something cheap and cheerful anyway. I've no idea how much a custom-made stamp would cost but I'm guessing a lot more than the £1.25 I paid for the printing set - plus I've still got loads of letters leftover so could make any other name stamp I fancied.