The monitor on the computer I use has finally bitten the dust after almost ten years of use. We're not quite sure what the problem was but I suspect the 'tube' has gone - for weeks it kept making a pinging sound and flickering but on Monday it seemed to go somewhat berserk with frequent loud pings and the screen getting darker and darker. P fiddled around with it until it was usable again but, luckily, had also ordered a new flat-screen monitor from Argos to be delivered today. I was only thinking to myself yesterday morning that perhaps we had been a bit previous in ordering a new monitor as the old one was still just usable, then I switched the computer on again yesterday afternoon to find that the monitor had finally given up the ghost and was now completely black. So I'm temporarily using P's computer in his study and eagerly awaiting the Argos van to arrive (the time given was anywhere between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm, so I'm pretty much stuck in the house today until they've arrived).
I'm really looking forward to having a super-duper new flat-screen monitor as it will free up a lot of room on my rather cramped desk. The space won't be free for long as I intend to get out my trusty light box so that I can sit for at least 30 minutes each day bathing in the clear bright light which will, hopefully, trick my brain into believing that it is not really dark at 4.30 pm. I haven't used the light box for a couple of winters but, after this year's disastrous summer, I'm feeling very 'S.A.D.' this autumn and think it might be a good idea to take the light box into use again. I've always suffered a bit from the 'winter blues' but as I've got older I've found the dark dreary days and the long winter nights more and more difficult to deal with. After reading a very interesting article in the Mail on Sunday the other week which said that Icelanders were the Northern Europeans least likely to suffer from S.A.D. because they have a diet very high in Omega 3 fish oils, I've even started taking Omega 3 fish oil supplements and am considering buying some fish fingers as apparently they have Omega 3 too. Perhaps my problem with the 'winter blues' all boils down to the fact that I don't eat much fish and never have. Who knows, but anything that can help me feel a little less fed-up at this time of the year has got to be worth a try.
Anyway, enough of the self-pity. I received a great parcel from Gill at the weekend. She had mentioned that she had some zips going spare a couple of weeks ago and had very kindly offered to send me some. Not only did she send a brilliant selection of zips of all sizes and colours, Gill also included a copy of Dodie Smith's 'I Capture the Castle' which I have heard a lot about on blogland, but had never come across 'in the flesh'. I'm really looking forward to starting on this book once I have finished the unauthorised biography of Nigella Lawson that I'm reading. It's an interesting book although I don't think I'd have wanted to pay the cover price of £16.99 for it, but at 50p from the charity shop it's a good read and offers some interesting insights into the life of the 'Domestic Goddess'.
I had a busy few days last week listing some of my sewn and knitted items on ebay in the hope that people are already starting to think about Christmas (eight weeks yesterday according to the driver of the bus I was on - groan!!) I've listed some of my knitted beanie hats, some of the vintage-fabric book bags (and one has already sold - yay!!), hand-knitted traditional cotton dishcloths, and my own design Cupcake Tea Cosy - which I, luckily, still have a photo of on P's computer.
Hopefully I'll be back to 'proper' photos tomorrow from the comfort of my own desk and my new super-duper flat-screen monitor.
Happy Halloween one and all - especially DN who is hoping to frighten all trick and treaters who call at his house by wearing his 'bones' (skeleton) outfit.