It was a busy day for me on Saturday, with not one, not two, but three Christmas Bazaar's in the local area. Whether by design or accident the start times were all nicely staggered and two of the venues were in outlying villages so there was some pretty scenery to admire en route too. Amongst many many things I found at the three various bazaars there were

Two Redken Time Reset shampoo and conditioner sets - for porous age-weakened hair - which pretty much sums up my barnet well these days. I paid £1.50 per box and was delighted to have found them.

A generously-sized Matt & Nat shoulder bag, described as eco vegan (!!) for £2.50. I liked the colour and the fact that it is nicely capacious so I can cram quite a lot of 'stuff' in it.

A little light bedtime reading for 50p. This book is a whopper and could easily pass itself off as a doorstop. I quite like Elizabeth George novels and as the original price was £18.99, I considered this an excellent bargain.

A bag full of the most delightful vintage crochet thread which must date from the war as the wrapper on the green spool states it is 'coupon free', many of them are still wrapped in the original tissue paper. They were 50p for the bag load.

And a bright and vibrant 1960s bag, also 50p. This was lurking in a bin bag behind the linen stall but I spotted the bright print and asked if it was for sale - it was. It's got a lovely waterproof lining so will be great for taking to the beach or if I go swimming anywhere.
After all the to-ing and fro-ing to various church / village hall venues, P and I had an appointment to view a house that's for sale. I was a little suspicious of the estate agent's details as they failed to give any specific sizes to the 'double' bedrooms, nor did they have a photo of the downstairs 'study.' Hmm, all became clear when we looked round as the 'study' was off the kitchen, had no heating and barely any daylight, was fitted out with kitchen units and was used by the present owner's as a storage area!! It was plainly a utility room. The 'utility room' as described by the estate agent turned out to be a cupboard in the hall that housed the washing machine!! To cap it all off, the back 'garden' was basically a paved yard - which faces north, the fourth bedroom may have accommodated a double bed but that would be the only item it could accommodate (and you'd have to be a contortionist to get into said double bed) the 'en suite' was a shower and loo in a cupboard, there was no bath in the house only showers and the asking price was about 25% too high. To say I was not happy was putting it mildly.
Now, I have looked at A LOT of houses for sale in the last few years but never have I come across such flagrant misrepresentation as there was in this house's particulars. I had a few words to say to the half-wit who phoned me this morning to ask what we thought of the property!! By the time I rang off I'll bet he wished he'd never asked. Gordon Bennett, why can't some estate agents just be honest in their descriptions of properties, trying to pass off an unheated utility room as a study is just going to p*ss off anyone who goes to view the place, it certainly peeved me a great deal!!